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Research & Development

Ongoing Projects

Project Cochrane

This self-funded project is a leading edge effort to research BPP (Breakthrough Propulsion Physics).  Formerly being researched by NASA, all BPP research funding was cut by Congress in 2002.  We have undertaken to privately continue research in this field.

The potential applications of this research include a reactionless thrust propulsion device (impulse drive) and zero-emission power generation.

To preserve intellectual property rights, details are only available to qualified individuals who sign a confidentiality agreement.


Project OWDA

Project OWDA is being conducted for a major appliance manufacturer with partners the Axis Group.  It is intended to address municipal-level environmental concerns. 

At this time, further details are restricted by a confidentiality agreement with our clients.


Past Projects

Project Locutus

Experimentation with early speech recognition systems led to the realization that a totally hands-free computer experience was desirable.  Using a mouse with a voice system was found to be awkward, as the user's instinct is to use the now free hands for other purposes, such as holding papers and reference material.

A system was developed and bench tested which would allow a simple attachment to a boom mike to allow the user to direct the mouse on the screen with gentle head movements.

Since this project would work best with a viable and widely accepted speech recognition system, it has been mothballed until such a system appears on the horizon.



The VCRON, or VCR On, is an electronic device which can be connected to a security system.  When a motion detector or similar device is triggered, the VCRON turns on a standard, inexpensive consumer VCR.  When it was developed in the mid 1990's, it was an original product in the home-security market.  It was sold on the internet in an early experiment in electronic commerce.

All development, including microprocessor assembly-language programming, was done in house.

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