77th, May 28, 2003
unique multiple-choice format (no essay questions)
of this two-book set makes it easy for couples to
share their expectations of marriage.
independently complete a quiz, then compare answers.
Discover areas of potential conflict and discuss pro-active
buy now, click here
well do you really know each other? How ready are you for
marriage? Getting to know one another--your beliefs, your
pet peeves, your expectations about the endless details regarding
family, friends, children, finances, careers, etc.--is made
easy with this innovative book. There are no essay questions-all
of the topics are covered in common-sense questions with multiple-choice
answers. All you have to do is check the box that applies
to you. It's so easy even those who normally avoid counseling
will do it!
are two books, nearly identical; one is for men and one for
women. Each of you fills out your quiz alone so as not to
influence the other. Then, you get together and compare your
answers. The questions where you gave widely different answers
are your potential problem areas and are the issues that you
need to discuss. Then you can work on finding ways to compromise
and lay the foundation for a solid marriage.
easy-to-use book highlights areas where real-life couples
run into conflict. Use it to uncover your own opinions and
discover those of your partner. You'll get your marriage off
to a terrific start by "Knowing me, Knowing You"!
"Knowing Me, Knowing You" is
published by Counselor Press, ISBN No. 0-9746765-0-0.